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being present

Hey y’all & welcome back! I can’t believe it’s already the middle of October- how CRAZY!! Let me just say, midterm season is officially in full swing and it has been SO stressful! Procrastination has been a beast this semester and I’m going to narrow it down to the fact that all of my classes are completely online. I love a good academic setting and am struggling to find motivation to stay on top of things with the looming sense of dread hanging over my head. There are some majors where it is easier to do things with others; such as studying together, watching lectures together, etc. But as an English major, it has proven difficult to find my groove with others in the mix. I am someone who thrives off of being in the classroom and discussing topics in a group setting. I prefer it to being alone with my thoughts. It is when we are around people that our brain is stimulated and we begin to think about things from different perspectives.

The fact of the matter is, this semester, many college students have been left to their own devices and are struggling to see the value behind their education. If you are an adult, think about it from our perspective. We are paying thousands of dollars for the ‘college experience’ and all we are doing is sitting in our rooms teaching ourselves lessons that our professors have left in our hands. While I would say that I am a dedicated student, not meeting for class and being with other students who care is a challenge. A lot of my friends are not English majors, so even when we do homework together, it’s not like I can talk to them about Beowulf or all of my readings from the Norton Anthology. There is such a disconnect and it is HARD.

That’s where this week's main topic comes into play. I have been challenging myself to be in the moment. Instead of thinking about everything that I have to do, everywhere I have to be, and all of the people I think I need to see, I have been trying to truly live minute by minute. Every minute truly is a gift. We aren’t going to be alive forever, so I want to challenge you to stop thinking about the next thing on your list and start being aware of where you are.

Some practical ways that I do this are:

  1. Putting my phone on do not disturb

  2. Putting time limits on my social media apps

  3. Taking a few deep breaths when I begin to feel anxious

  4. Stretching- getting up and walking around my room or going outside

  5. Opening my mind and listening to what my body is telling me, setting goals for yourself (daily and weekly)

These strategies have really helped me calm my mind when I begin to worry. I hope that you find them useful too :) happy midterm season!




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I'm Ali! I have a passion for worshipping Jesus and reading books! I love traveling, photography, coffee, and writing. Stick around to get a glimpse into my life.

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